How Do I Meet Boys in College?

Are You Settling?

When Hook Ups Go Bad

Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?

Are You Afraid Of Being Alone?

Is Friend With Benefits Really Possible?

Are You Dating a Man or a Boy?

Online Dating: Everything You Need to Know to Avoid the Creepers



Cool article.liked the one about the sadz.





Thanks Robbie.. It's really a helpful article.. and helped me a lot to figure out this manipulative and insecure girl with Narcissistic personality..!! they say Ditch the B … but I've realized after reading this..

thanks man 😀





You had me 'till #9 as well, and I'm a bit shocked. I've actually enjoyed most of your other insights; it's nice to hear a man acknowledge a woman's need for trust. Premarital sex is just another stop on that spectrum. Yes, making a covenant (contract) IS a social construct. That's a good thing. It protects me from jerks who take and leave. It's the reverse of Magical Pussy. Men don't have Magical Cocks – they're not entitled to get frisky. Why should I give a man everything he wants (sex) when I am not getting everything I want (security)? Are you REALLLY suggesting that a woman who chooses to have faith isn't worth dating? There goes my respect – whoosh –





Phenomenal article!! Yes, MSP is great, it needs to be listed in DSM5.





you're basically saying depressed girls don't deserve to be loved. well fuck you asshole. you obviously don't know A THING about depressed people. some of them are even better than dumbasses like you. they deserve to be loved 10x more than you do. 'not girlfriend material' my ass





“No sex before marriage” is a sexual hangup? Where did you get that? Some people are religious, after all.



Southern Ninja


Very impressive article, I’m still in AWE because I came across a girl like this this past summer, glad to say I dodged the bullet and decided to focus on myself (appearance), definitely worth it. To all the other men out there falling fir women of this nature – DROP’EM, it may seem tough in the beginning but its achievable and worth every once of strength and sweat.


Thanks again,





Robert Belland


You are correct, I can be a little lazy with my editing. But I assure you my intentions are sincere! 😀

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